Stop Him

Geneva walked back from Brad's room, dejected and in deep thought. This unusual crestfallen appearance did nothing to her usual sophisticated look and the fact that she commanded respect for just being there. She was the main mistress of the Thornston family. If anything, her sour mood made all others apprehensive instead. Her disposition made all the workers they met hurry past them; none wanted to be used as a scapegoat.

She paused some distance away from Brad's room and turned her head back.

"Is something the matter?" Katie asked as she surveyed the lush green surroundings in the small inner courtyard and then the corridor itself, seeing nothing.

"Did you hear anything?"

"No, Geneva, I didn't," Katie said with a blank look, listening intently.

She wondered if it was the birds chirping.

"Never mind then. I might be imagining things,"