Park of Secrets … (5)

The day had been a rather warm one - the perfect day to visit the park. It was sad that it had ended on that terrible note. Shelby's eyes fluttered open weakly as the dying embers of the sun pierced her eyelids. She had no strength to do anything. The light rays peeked through the rustling leaves of the giant tree she lay under. She struggled to form any coherent thoughts.

"The perfect day to die," she whispered, trying to find the irony in the situation.

"A-t lea-st, I will go down in the news and become famous as the first person to d-ie in the newly constructed park!"

She had cried all the tears she could, and her tear-well was dry. Shelby felt tired and weak even in her sprawled position. She was emotionally spent!

Then she just lay down for what was coming to come. 

'Is this how it feels to die? Am I even dead yet? I should be…. Right?'