Just a Squabble (2)

Somehow, in the next few days, the detectives got another tip. Another anonymous caller gave them their main clue for 'solving' the case. The caller claimed that, the man who had brought Shelby into the hospital, may have been the assailant. According to their narrative, they witnessed the violent struggle between the lovers, but he was too scared to come forward and only mustered courage for the call only.

Even though the theory was far-fetched and came at a 'convenient time', it was their only breakthrough. The person also claimed that the lovers had also talked about a tattoo they had had a couple of weeks earlier; the proof of their love. This validated the person's claim, as everyone around Shelby claimed to have never seen her peculiar tattoo.

The hint pointed to two things, 

One: the person really witnessed this or, 

Two: the person was close to Shelby, but there was no proof to attest to the second point.