Unreasonable (1)

Somewhere far away, the skies looked greyish and dim with a tinge of red swirls. It was a beautiful sight to behold for some but a little creepy with a tinge of bad omen for others.

Giant trees and almost irregular and weird-looking plants graced the small patch of land that was visible across a large expanse of water.

If one were given a whole look at the land from above, like through an eagle's eye, one would ask, how do you even get here?

The expanse of water had a still and calm middle, but the surrounding water space was very turbulent all the time. It was like the land was placed in the calm, like the eyes of the turbulent storm. 

On one of the grounds of one of the very tall vegetation and in a building that looked to be secluded from the rest of the population of this place, a frail man so thin that he looked like he could not support his own body on his legs, sat cross-legged surrounded by books stacked on top of each other.