Same Boat

"Where did Shelby go and why is Ian so concerned about that?" Ava asked herself as she headed towards the ladies' room as quickly as she could.

"Ava, what you should be concerned about is how it is humanly possible that he talked to you like that!"

She whispered and then stopped suddenly.

"Yh, that was truly weird! Anyway, whatever the reason, it's not like Ian would hurt me in any way. If Shelby is okay with him, then I should be okay. Shelby has never raised any concerns whatsoever, so yh… whatever!"

Ava was not one to dwell on things for long, especially stuff that she had little comprehension on. She saw no need to keep thinking about this, but she did keep a small thought to prompt herself to investigate about whatever that was.

It was not like she could even ask Shelby why her husband was able to communicate with other people in that weird manner. Ava sped up and finally peeped into the washroom.

"Huh? Shelby? Where are you?"