What of You?

Shelby had no idea any of these were going on with her friends. In Ian's 'hidden kitchen', she sat so satisfied from the meal that she let loose her vigilance, if any, towards Ian. 

She watched as her husband's smile turned mischievous and felt an excitement build up deep within her, as he settled himself between her legs. She leaned back slightly, taking in his features. She just could not get enough of it. 'I wonder what he looks like under all that facial beard?'

Ian hooked his index finger underneath her chin. His piercing grey eyes locked onto her bright blue ones, creating a captivating contrast that sparks a palpable tension between them, leaving her unhinged. Her heart quickened as excitement bubbled up inside her, eager for what was to come. 

She longed to touch his thick, long hair that fell over his shoulders and onto his chest.

"You really do need a haircut,"