Why should I?

Ingrid and her brother were indeed safe from their fears that night and had the best night that they could possibly ever get. With Ingrid wrapped in Shelby's arms, she relaxed subconsciously on a level that had never been experienced in her young life.

Ingrid always longed for her mother, and like any child, she had kind of imprinted on Shelby in her capacity as a new mother to her. Ingrid had found her new mother figure and had indeed relaxed her vigilance subconsciously.

Shelby's warm embrace that night, worked like magic for Ingrid. The little girl had a longer way to cover for her new father though. The same could be said for Gabriel. He had approved of his new mother even before she had wed.

However, Ingrid's state of mind was very similar to Gabriel but for him, that feeling of contentment was coming from having both his parents in the same room and being wrapped in his father's arms, or more accurately, wrapping himself around his father.