Discretion! or ...

The security man shook his head slowly as Brianna's car disappeared from his sight. Brianna grinned from ear to ear, puffing up her chest with pride.

'I am in! Finally,' She thought.

They drove for a few more minutes, passing rows and rows of trees that neatly lined the road and short fruit trees scattered beyond the road and spreading as far as her eye could see.

'All these would be mine soon enough, but my hubby would not suffer a bit as I would make sure to come with a lot!'

The fact that Shelby was her friend seemed to be eluding Brianna more often than not then.

Soon, the car pulled up to the residence's main entrance, and Brianna felt her heart sink as she frowned. One should understand that Brianna had envisioned a lot of things as her welcome to the Thornston residence but never what greeted her when her car rolled to a stop.

She waited for her driver to come out and open her door, her frown getting heavier by the second.