What of her? (1)

Ava held her bestie's arms as they whispered and smiled to themselves as they walked to the children's room.

"I miss them. It's only been a couple of days since I saw them, but I surprisingly miss them,"

Shelby said as she quickened her pace.

Unknown to her, Ian had rounded one corner just as she disappeared down the bend of the opposite end.

Shelby knocked on Gabriel's door and then entered.

"Huh? Where is he?"

She asked herself as she moved around the room slowly. Shelby knocked on the first connecting door and then tried to open it, only to find it locked.

Shelby was not surprised as that was Samantha's room. She turned the opposite way and noticed that Ava had walked out of one of the patio doors. Shelby then knocked on the second door and opened it, only to find it empty.


"Yes, Miss."

"Where are they?"