Red Light ***

Panting, moaning and delicate feminine sounds echoed throughout the medium-sized office and spilt faintly outside of it. Nonetheless, because it was the end of the day, there were no third-party ears and eyes to this. What a waste! That would have been a total spectacle! At least, that is what Clara thought. The experience was none like she had ever felt and done in her whole life. She blushed a deep shade of red in embarrassment. 

"Oh my! I am going to come!" She screamed out as she felt herself unleash and her fluids gushed out of her.

Presque nodded in satisfaction, enjoying his own personal show as he rubbed his dick through his clothes. He was still seated in his chair by his office table as he watched Clara from afar, please herself.

Clara panted and removed her fingers slowly, from herself, closing her legs as she could not stand his scrutiny.

"What are you doing, woman? Continue!"

"But, I-"