Is He in trouble?

It was just like that. James Wendover faded from people's minds soon enough. After remaining the talk of the town for weeks on end, he was no longer in their minds, as if he had never been to start with. It was a bit sad if the situation was viewed from a different perspective, as prior to the drug allegation, James was considered a revered member of their society.

Presque was also somewhat forgotten… at least in the eyes of the masses, but behind the walls of the prisons, he was living a hellish nightmare that he had never in his entire life dreamt of. All of these two men's life choices had led them down that path, and they had no one to blame.

Of all the Wendover's, Clara was the one who had taken the news the hardest. However, whatever she had thought would happen did not. Yes, in her view, life was hard, and she had to 'work', but then, it was not as 'hard' as she had thought it would be, and it was definitely not like the time when her first husband had passed.