What is not Meant to Be!

'Finally! Just a few more formalities, and then the throne will be mine!' Prince Syla's thoughts, though meant to be covert, flashed visibly across his face. His eyes glinted coldly, making the elder before him sway back a little.

It was a fleeting emotion, but even though no words were said, one could imagine the thoughts running through their king's mind.

Brian, the bookkeeper, who was at the back of the crowd that day, could only shake his head sadly. He had a hunch about what would happen when their throne was 'forcibly' taken like what was unfolding in front of them.

"How sad!" He whispered. This comment made a few people by him look at him very weirdly, so Brain kept the rest of his thoughts to himself.

The few elders and wise citizens had already accurately stated all his concerns, but they fell on deaf ears, so who was he to challenge anything?