Angry at the world (1)

Loud, deafening music boomed throughout the space. Different-coloured lights flashed around the dimly lit large dance floor. Many people, mainly youngsters, were packed against one another in every possible square foot of the place. Bodies were plastered against each other, rubbing and enticingly. It was challenging to see where one person started and where they ended.

Intertwined is what they were, which would make most prim adults cringe, but for these youngsters between the ages of thirteen, if not younger, and up until about nineteen, it was the time of their lives!

The music was bopping, making the few people who stayed off the dance floor tap their feet in sync with it. Some couldn't help but sway their bodies in tune with it.

The DJ at the end of the room raised his microphone and shouted into it: "Woooohooooo!!!!!!!! Are you having a blast!?"

"YESSSSSSSSSSS!" Came the reply, and that even hyped them up more.