Not again! (3)

'Calm down, Ian. It's probably nothing.' Ian tried to convince himself even though his self-doubt was mounting. What was holding Ian back was that in the past instances where Shelby had been in danger had pulled him literally to the scene of the problem. Ian did not have to know where Shelby was or what type of danger she had been in, but he had instinctively been able to know where to go.

Ian was very sure that his Elfin was in danger. Ian felt it in his gut but at the same time, he could not feel it. It was a stranger cycle that was making him go nuts! And this grew by each second that Ian did not lay eyes on his wife.

However, he also felt that leaving would be too reckless if it was all just paranoia on his part. Ian had noticed in the past few days that he was always on edge when Shelby was not within his sight even in their home.