They Got Some (2)

Ava stayed shackled up with Rocky the whole day and never came out. It was a Sunday, and she had no duty calls whatsoever. She thanked her due diligence in always getting things done ahead of time, which earned her those precious moments.

At the same time, in another part of town, Terry experienced the 'worst' night of her life. Suspecting that Rocky had a girlfriend and love interest and seeing it with her eyes were two very distinct things for her. Terry replayed the scene repeatedly in her head and almost went crazy each time she saw it in her mind's eye.

After storming off the scene the night before, Terry couldn't help but come back and, to add salt to injury, saw Rocky and Ava leaving in a taxi. Various 'what ifs' circled in her head, but unfortunately for Terry, her worst fears had come true that night for Rocky and his girlfriend.