
If Brianna had been more aware of her surroundings, she would have recognized the man who had offered her a word of advice and maybe wondered why he was also there.

However, she was never one to stoop so low as to know her poor friends' families. Brianna only knew Rocky because, at a point in time, Rocky had been like Shelby's tail, sticking close to her in order to keep other men and admirers at bay.

At that time, Brianna never associated Marvin with one of the people that she hated in the world at that moment.

She was immersed in her own misery then. Brianna still could not imagine that a whole prideful person like her had been pushed so low in life that she was in a place like that. The room looked more like a dug-out cave than a normal-looking house. Even if she had a dog, it would have slept in a better place than where Brianna was.