Thornston Gala Dinner (16) [Bonus]

At that time, Geneva and Alex, as well as most of the guests, had already entered the designated room and did not witness this scene. One could guess what may have happened if, especially, Geneva did.

Even as the person, taking the actions, Shelby had no idea what was wrong with her. for she thought it bizarre.

Even when she had come to this event, thinking that Ian was going to be 'given' a new woman as a wife, she had not been that angry. In fact, that idea had sounded funny to her ears, at some point.

However, for some reason, Shelby felt overly irritated and triggered by the scene she had witnessed of this person. More of her anger was at Ian, though.

She turned to glare at him, primarily for letting someone cross into his personal space. The girl had not touched Ian but had been too close to Ian for Shelby's comfort.

Shelby was not one to exhibit jealousy, but she could not control herself at this moment.