Clean Up (2)

Suzie took in a deep breath,

'This is too much information! Aliya is alive? How is that possible? What is going to happen now? Should I tell Madam Geneva? Ah! I forgot to ask if it was a confirmed fact!'

She lightly slapped her forehead, 'Silly girl!' she reprimanded herself,

With Shelby and Ian long gone, it rested on her to take care of everything left behind and Suzie was actually looking forward to putting people in their place.

Of all people, Suzie knew how much this new development would impact her mistress. She was one of the main people always telling Shelby that dead people told no tales and could not affect the lives of the living!

'What do we do? How could this happen?'

She shook her head lightly, too engrossed in these thoughts, but, unlike Ava, Suzie was very much aware of her surroundings. Maybe it was because of her training or the fact that Shelby had left the 'clean up' of the place in her hands.