About twenty minutes prior….
After Shelby stormed out of the restaurant, the place fell into an uncomfortable silence.
"Do you think that she meant it?" A delicate voice pierced the silence.
"I don't know, but I-"
No one wanted to complete the words. They were scared of the repercussions of their actions, but at the same time, they felt as if they were right. They all took turns looking at Aliya, who had mainly remained quiet throughout all this. One couldn't help but wonder why they had all decided to stand up for her.
However, they needed to pick the side of power, so if the marriage between Ian Thornston and his gorgeous nobody of a wife was invalid, then they needed to back up the right tree. The thing was that they were not too sure if they had backed up the right tree from what the woman had said before she had left the place.
"You don't have to worry about anything…."