"Hey Rocky, what's up? What's wrong?" Matt asked the questions successively.
They were in the medical school library. The place was steeped in its usual stillness; the faint hum of the air conditioning blending with the occasional turning of a page were the only sounds from the studious students.
Matt and Nicholas sat close together in a corner private room that had turned to be like their personal room, their chairs tilted toward each other in an intentional lean. After the initial Principal's issue, Rocky had become almost untouchable in the school, but the good thing was that he did not misuse that privilege. That couldn't be said about these two, though.
A thick textbook lay open between them, but their eyes weren't scanning the pages. Instead, they darted toward Rocky's figure, who was seated a few chairs away. Their group work and project were still pending, but the passing of time seemed to have no effect on them at that moment.