Chapter 76: Yueyue's Short Break (R-18)

As Xiaoyun left the school, it was almost noon.

Xiaoyun decided to go to the field next to the commercial sector to see how the New Year Celebration stage has been setting.

When Xiaoyun got to the field, Yueyue was standing there and directing several people to arrange something.

"How is it going?" Xiaoyun asked as he walked up.

"Pretty well. I got the stage and field all set up, and before the speech you give, a few rows temporary stalls to allow people to buy or play carnival games... Although it still kinda of weird to have all these since its just New Year celebration." Yueyue responded.

"Well people don't really celebrate New Year. So its going to be a new thing that we do every year."

"Yeah..." Yueyue went back to directing the stalls and testing it.

"Why do I have a feeling she's just playing the games in the stall... this shouldn't take that long." Xiaoyun watches Yueyue playing the carnival games and getting all excited after she landed a hoop.

"Mrs.Yueyue, we going to lunch now!" The worker waved and left the stall to lunch next door at the commercial sector.

"You want to go eat?" Yueyue noticed Xiaoyun just standing there.

"Sure." Xiaoyun walked up to hold Yueyue's hand as the two walked toward the commercial sector.

As the two walked, they accidentally run into Yezi and Huayi.

"Oh hey, what up?" Xiaoyun waved at the two.

"Nothing much, just shopping with her." Yezi looked over to Huayi.

Huayi and Yueyue went inside an store instead of the planned going to eat as the two men stand outside.

"Look, this break wasn't that bad was it?" Xiaoyun noticed how happy Huayi looked.

"Yeah I guess... but it feels weird to be with her all peaceful, then going to kill zombie the next day." Yezi commented.

"Don't think about it so much. Perhaps it time to retire from being in the front line and give people a chance to climb the ladder. You know a lot of people is jealous of your position right?"

"Yeah I know, I can stay back like Yiming or you, but I——"

"No more excuse. Aren't you already in your late thirties? Give the younger generation a chance to prove themselves. I even heard rumor that Yiming was planning to give his position to Jixi." Xiaoyun patted him on the back.

"Hm, maybe you are right, I really should let them have a chance." Yezi was seriously considering it, but then realized realized something.

"Wait, these word are coming out of your mouth feel weird. Aren't you like only eighte——" Xiaoyun interrupted Yezi before he can finish.

"Anyway, tomorrow is New Year celebration. Stop stressing and enjoy yourself!" Xiaoyun left with Yueyue as she walked out the store.


"W-wait where are we going?" Yueyue asked as Xiaoyun held her hand.

"You forgot we are going to get something eat?" Xiaoyun looked back and couldn't see Yezi in sight anymore.

"Oh right, lets try that one then." Yueyue pointed at the western looking restaurant.

"Damn, who really came up with building a western restaurateur?" Xiaoyun commented as the two walked inside.

Despite thinking that no one will come to this place, the inside was almost completely full.

"What the hell..." Xiaoyun looked completely in shock as he can see Kate and Anna working as waiter while the three Russian men cooking behind the counter.

"Oh hey Xiaoyun." Kate replied in Chinese as she walked over.

"Oh hey Kate, when did you learn Chinese?" Xiaoyun asked in English.

"I only know a few word. Anyway, what would you like to order?" Kate asked.

"Um, whatever you can recommend for both of us." Xiaoyun replied.

"Okay, one pizza!" Kate walked back and yelled toward the three.

"Yes!" Xiaoyun and Yueyue can see the one of the men started making the dough.

The two can also see Anna rushing to the counter and yelling in German, probably showing them how to make a real dough.

Kate sat down in front of the two as all customer are already served and eating.

"What brought you here?" Kate asked in English.

"I got nothing to do, so me and Yueyue decided to try some food out. Why are you guys all here?" Xiaoyun asked back in English

"Well, its a Saturday so its our break and since theirs nothing to do in the town, we decided to open our own restaurant. Only for opened for the weekend."

"I see..." Xiaoyun fell into silent.

"How's the town life? Do you like it?" Yueyue chimed in.

"Um, its fine. The houses are nice. It reminds me of living in America. My grandpa used to have one of these houses. Very basic and minimalist."

"That's good. How about those four? What do they think?" Yueyue asked again.

"Anna seem to very happy with the house, but the only thing she seem to be upset about is not having a garage. I think she planning to build one next to the her house. Is that okay?"

"Yeah its fine, don't worry about it." Xiaoyun reassure her.

"Oh right, and the three Russian dudes... um, to be honest I'm not so sure. They look happy with it but kept mumbling something about not cold enough and lack of snow." Kate responded.

"Well there nothing I can do about that." Xiaoyun shrugged.

"Pizza. Here." Anna barely can speak two word in Chinese as she puts the pizza on the table.

"Thank you." Yueyue thanks them.

"Well I got to get back to work now. See ya." Kate got back up and went to serve another customer that just walked in.

As Xiaoyun stared at the two working, Yueyue suddenly stepped on Xiaoyun's foot.

"Hmph! What you looking at?" Yueyue angrily asked.

"Um I-I was just worried how they can communicate with the customers. Look like they rely on the customer pointing at the menu." Xiaoyun turned his attention back to Yueyue.

"Uh-huh, totally not staring at the their cleavage right?" Yueyue voice suddenly changed as if she is not angry at all.

"W-what? I will never do that. I already got you three...Anyway let eat the pizza before it get cold!" Xiaoyun tries to change the conversation as he grabbed a slice of the pizza.

"Hmm! The pizza is so good." Xiaoyun took a bite.

"Really?" Yueyue seem to have been distracted a little as she also grab a slice of pizza.

"Hmm! Its so good!" Yueyue commented as she grab for another slice.

"Told you." Xiaoyun grab for another slice.


As the two walked out of the restaurant, the two was completely full.

"I'm so sleepy, but I can't sleep just right after I finish eating." Yueyue stretched her arm.

"Well we can go for a walk first." Xiaoyun suggested.

"W-wait let go to the restroom." Yueyue noticed dragged Xiaoyun toward a nearby public restroom.

"Um I-I can wait outs——"

"Shut up and just come inside." Yueyue dragged Xiaoyun to the female restroom side.

Thankfully restroom was empty inside as the Yueyue drag Xiaoyun to one of the stall.

Yueyue pushed Xiaoyun onto the toilet seat.

"What is thi——" Before Xiaoyun could finish Yueyue interrupted him.

"You got hard looking at them didn't you? Don't try to distract me." Yueyue was still angry from earlier as both her hand surrounded Xiaoyun.

"I-I its not my fault their cloths looked so um..." Xiaoyun fell into silent as he tried to move back more.

"Is us three not enough for you? Is it because all of us three is pregnant, you don't want us anymore?" As Yueyue asked this, Xiaoyun felt like he heard this in the past.

"W-what? No! I will never get tired of you guys. You three are the love of my life." Xiaoyun embraces Yueyue as he patted her back.

"Then prove it." Yueyue went on the offense as she pulled down Xiaoyun's pant and underwear.

"W-wait we can't do it here." Xiaoyun still remember what happen when he did it in with Yuqi yesterday.

"No one comes here anyway, beside w-we both are already married, when did you care about these kind of stuff?" Yueyue lifted up her knee skirt and lowered her panties, revealing her already wet entrances.

Yueyue sat down right on the rod and moaned out loud as it went inside.

Just as Yueyue was riding the rod, suddenly the two could hear footsteps outside.

Xiaoyun immediately covered Yueyue's mouth with his hand.

It was two women outside as the two hear them talking.

However, both of them couldn't understand what language they are talking about.

"Its Kate and Anna, t-they are the only ones that speak German." Xiaoyun whispered to Yueyue ear.

The two can hear Kate and Anna going inside their left and right stall as the two had completely stopped moving.

Despite not moving at all, Xiaoyun could feel Yueyue getting tighter and tighter inside as if she was about to climax.

"When are they going to leave!" Both of them thought of the exact same thing.

As the two woman exited the stall and washed their hand, they started chatter again right at the mirror as the two can see their shoes between the gap.

"Are you okay?" Kate suddenly walked to their stall and asked.

"Y-yeah I'm good. I am just h-having an upset s-stomach since the m-morning." Yueyue responded as she struggle to hold in the moan.

"Oh, is this Yueyue?" Kate realized her voice from earlier.

"Y-yeah." Yueyue replied back.

"Okay tell us if there any issue okay?" Kate finally left the restroom with Anna.


"Why is there four pair of shoes inside the stall? And that quiet moaning sound and flesh hitting each other." Anna asked in German.

"Um, I-I think it's Yueyue and Xiaoyun inside the stall." Kate nervously replied back.

"Oh, they are doing that thing?" Anna face blushes as she made a circle with a finger pointed through.

"I-I guess so." Kate replied as the two went back to the restaurant.


As the two left the restroom

Yueyue finally couldn't hold it as she climaxed, Xiaoyun couldn't hold it anymore either as Yueyue's inner entrance started squeezing Xiaoyun's rod.

The two fell back to the toilet seat as Yueyue sat on top of Xiaoyun's leg

"X-xiaoyun can you p-put me down on the toilet s-seat. I-I need to p-pee." Yueyue nervously asked.

Xiaoyun suddenly had a idea.

"Here, you can do it now." Xiaoyun lifted Yueyue up into the air as he held onto Yueyue's thigh and lowered her near the toilet.

"S-stop joking. P-pull out and let me down, I-I really need to go." Yueyue started to have a bad feeling.

"Now someone is all shy and everything, who was the one who started this?" Xiaoyun asked as he still doesn't let go.

"S-shut up! Let me go already." Yueyue's face blushes.

"You remember the one wish you gave me? I'm going to use it now." Xiaoyun smirked.

"F-fine you s-sick pervert... I-I never granting you a wish again." Yueyue realized what Xiaoyun wanted to do.

As Yueyue struggle to pee through her urethra, Xiaoyun gotten all hard inside again and started moving.

"W-wait s-stop." Yueyue peeing became sporadic as every push by Xiaoyun compressed the urethra's small entrances.

"I can't control myself, you are just so cute when you are helpless like this." Xiaoyun could feel Yueyue getting tighter again as he said it.

"I-it feel so w-weird w-wanting to c-climax and n-needing to p-pee!" Yueyue finally climaxed again as Xiaoyun unloaded all inside again as well.

Xiaoyun quickly aimed it toward the water as Yueyue peeing uncontrollably.

After a few second, it finally finished.

Xiaoyun pulled out of Yueyue and puts her down onto the toilet seat as semen started leaking out.

"Y-you... I hate you!" Yueyue embarrassingly punched Xiaoyun in the chest.

"Sorry I went a little too ham." Xiaoyun apologized sincerely as he bowed down all the way.

"I-its okay... now at least I know you still love me." Yueyue lifted Xiaoyun back up, then grabbed a toilet paper to start wiping.

"T-thank you so much Yueyue!" Xiaoyun grabbed more toilet paper and started helping Yueyue wipe below as her belly got in the way of her own wipe.

"Why are three of us so tolerant of your things you do..." Yueyue let out a sigh as she mumbled.

"Because we love each other!" Xiaoyun proudly replied back.

"Whatever. Let's get out of the restroom now." Yueyue pull back up her panties and knee skirt as Xiaoyun supported her back up from the toilet seat.

The two left the restroom and went back to the field.