Chapter 130: Storm brewing

After further consideration, Yuqi rejected Shuli's suggestion.

"You're right... but we still can't tell Yezi or Yiming about it."

"Why?" Shuli face was in bewilderment

"Because the people who are planning this coup are most likely tracking where we are going... even Yezi or Yiming might be watched by them." Yuqi explained her thought process.

Shuli agreed with Yuqi's argument but the two fell back into silent as they couldn't come up with a plan.

After sitting still for almost thirty minute, Nami finally came back.

"What's wrong? Why do you two look so worried?" Nami curiously asked.

"Look at this." Yuqi handed the letter to Nami.

"Militia coup in three days... What? This can't be real." Nami put the letter back down on the desk as her face was in complete shock.