Chapter 152: Vanish

"Well I had been keeping rock since few years ago during a camping trip... Everyone I had show this rock to had said the rock attracts them to keep it." Mingxu replied.

"What? But I don't feel anything." Xiaoyun felt the rock was just a normal piece of rock.

"I really mean it. I show this rock to Ningjing and she felt the rock was almost pulling her towards it unconsciously." Mingxu explained.

"Really? That sound like bullshit." Xiaoyun moved a little closer but felt no difference at all.

"Here, hold on to it." Mingxu dropped the rock onto Xiaoyun's hand.

Within second, the rock disappeared into Xiaoyun's hand.

"Huh?" Mingxu looked confused on where the rock went.

"What?" Xiaoyun looked just as confused.

"Where did it go?" Mingxu looked around Xiaoyun, but couldn't see find the rock anywhere.

Xiaoyun looked around as well but couldn't find it anywhere either.