Chapter 157: Military Reorganization

When Xiaoyun got to the training field in the morning, he could see the soldiers standing on the training field.

"Took you long enough." Yezi complained as Xiaoyun walked to the backstage of the training field.

Yezi was wearing a brand new officer uniform that Yuqi and Shuli designed with the textile factory owners.

It was a uniform very similar to the military uniform of the actual army with slight modification to the layers of the cloths since it would of been too hot to wear otherwise.

"Sorry, just had something come up this morning. Is everything ready?" Xiaoyun asked.

"It's all ready. We're just waiting for you." Yezi handed the planned script to Xiaoyun.

Xiaoyun took a short glance over it and didn't notice any changes compared to Yiming's plan before he left.

"Good luck. Don't get nervous!" Yezi and Xiaoyun both walked out of the backstage to the field.