Chapter 187: Hospitalized

When Xiaoyun woke up and opened his eyes, he could see a white ceiling above him.

"I'm still alive? Ugh, why does my head hurt so much?"

As Xiaoyun tried to think of what happened before he blacked out, a nurse walked inside the room holding a tray.

"Mr.Mayor, you are finally awake!"

The nurse excitingly ran towards Xiaoyun as he was still trying to comprehend what had happened.

"Where am I? How long has it been?" Xiaoyun asked weakly as he could barely move his body.

"You're at the hospital. It has been a week since you moved in here in a coma state." The nurse replied.

"I had been in a coma for that long?"

As Xiaoyun mumbled, the nurse put the food tray in front of Xiaoyun.

"Mr.Mayor, I'll go call the doctor right now. You can eat the food right here."

With the nurse gone, Xiaoyun only had a food tray in front of him.

"I'm so hungry..."