Chapter 233: New Plan's first try

It was a hot sunny day as Monday arrived.

All the cars and buses stopped as they were now a mile away from the city outskirts.

"Everyone ready?" Xiaoyun asked as all the soldiers stood outside of the vehicle.

"Yes sir!"

With a loud and confident response, Xiaoyun was proud of what he achieved as a fighting force.

"Very well! That's what I like to hear. Remember, if you need help, request support."

The soldiers began walking off toward the cities in their small group of squads, leaving Xiaoyun with a single regiment holding onto all of the vehicles.

"Why are we staying here? Why don't we set up camp in the city outskirts?" Kate asked curiously as they watched the soldier start scouting the surrounding area.

"Well, more zombies have moved from the city proper to the outskirts. Since we plan to fight the zombies in smaller skirmishes, we don't want to drag too many zombies simultaneously...