Chapter 289: Punishment Game (1) (R-18)

"Whatever. You guys can keep your secrets..."

As Yuqi finished talking, the atmosphere in the bathroom got a little awkward until Yueyue broke the silence.

"Nami, how long do you have left before you go into labor?"

"Um, from April to December... That's like around eight months now. So around the end of January, I think?"

"I still can't believe it has been nine months... Wuli and Shuli, you two are in their second trimester, right?" Yueyue asked next.

"Yeah... I think it was back in July. So, about five months in. Just four more months to go."

Wuli and Shuli both looked down at their ever-growing belly that had been slowly hindering their ability to walk.

"Wuli, when are you planning to take a leave?" Leyan curiously asked.

Wuli sat in silence as she didn't know how to respond until Shuli spoke up.

"Yuqi, can I take a pregnancy leave after December? I don't think I'll be able to travel or work well."