Chapter 328: Surprise News

After sitting for who knows how long, Xiaoyun finally came up with an answer as Yueyue waited patiently.

"I think we have two ways to do this... We either brute force it by sending in the army to the island unannounced, or we try to find boats nearby to make a beach landing across from here to the island."

Hearing Xiaoyun's idea, Yueyue shook her head at both of the ideas.

"I already thought of using boats, but all of the boats at different harbors are all damaged... Unless you're talking about an entire cruise ship, which I doubt is going to work.

And for the other ideas, I think it's way too risky to send the army there. They could blow up the bridge at any time to cut off the entrances.

Not to mention, they probably have a bunker that they could just lock themselves into... I just feel that it is just too obvious for them not to prepare for that."