BBQ and Departure

As the sun sets on the horizon, most of the girls are sitting in the beach chairs, waiting for Xiaoyun to set everything up.

"How are you going to have a BBQ without a grill?" Leyan asked the question that was in everyone's mind.

"Watch this."

As Xiaoyun stood in front of an empty area, an entire grill suddenly appeared out of thin air right before their eyes.

"I found an abandoned grill back when I was scouting in Foshan... Even though I didn't bring it back.

It's not that hard for me to recreate a replica of it... Now we can BBQ anytime we want."

Xiaoyun replied as he began adding charcoal to the fuel area, with Yueyue moving an entire table over to put ingredients.

"Sometimes I wish I had your ability... I can't imagine all the things I can create with it."

Anna commented as she watched Xiaoyun create another bag of charcoal as extra on the side.