European Affairs

After a short discussion, the man turned back to Xiaoyun as if he had reached some sort of consensus within the group.

"What do you want from us? Can you just state it directly?"

"Quiet, frankly, I have no use for you guys. That's the brutal truth. I couldn't care less about what is happening in Europe.

You tell me, why should I give you guys fuel to go to New Zealand? What can I gain from it?"

Seeing the man falling in silence, one of the females in the foreigner group suddenly yelled out something.

"Kate, what did she say?"

"Um, she said she's willing to have... sex with you."

"Tell her it's not going to work."

Seeing Xiaoyun instantly rejected it, Kate was more than happy to translate his words back to the woman.

The woman looked a little angry, almost as if she was mad over being looked down on by him, even though she was pretty attractive.