Birthday Week (1) (R-18)

After walking back to the administrative office and working with Yuqi for a bit, the day was finally over.

As the two entered inside, they saw the wall was full of decorations, with pictures of Yongyi plastered all over.

"Welcome back!" Leyan warmly welcomed the two as they followed her into the kitchen.

The moment they stepped inside, everyone was already standing there with a cake in the middle.

All of them were already holding up their kids, with Yongyi standing on his chair.

"Are we late?" Yuqi asked as Tianci carried Lianrong back to her arms.

"Nope, you guys are just in time... Let's get this birthday party started!"

With the light turned off and the candlelit, all of them began singing Happy Birthday to Yongyi.

"You can blow your candle now!" Leyan stated as she gently carried Yongyi up to the candle.

After the candle was blown, she quickly began cutting up the cake before everyone got a small piece.