Restaurants and Renqin's Request

"Perfect... Can you ask your staff to start making a plan for it? Call me when it is done."

"Yes, sir."

As Xiaoyun left the logistics office and put on a face mask, the streets were filled with people walking around.

Many of them were heading towards the commercial district to go shopping or to get some food for lunch.

With nothing much to do for now, he decided to follow the crowds towards the commercial district.

A few minutes later, he finally arrived at the restaurant sections, where a variety of food was being sold.

Some were even multi-chained restaurants just a few blocks down the road with the same logo.

After walking through several of them, he ended up in what looked to be the most expensive restaurant with various decorations on the wall.

The atmosphere alone almost felt like some sort of French restaurant with the white and gold wall frames and even the tables.