After the two of them finished dinner, they quickly removed everything off the table before Xiaoyun created a giant blank piece of paper.
A few hours of back-and-forth explanation later...
The two had finally finished making a rough draft, although most of the planning had shifted to Kate talking and Xiaoyun agreeing.
"So you're telling me they aren't actually in the nuclear facility?" Xiaoyun asked in confusion.
"Yep. They actually have a base and a lab next to the nuclear facility... Right about here."
As Kate pointed it onto the paper, she had already drawn a detailed map of a base on the right.
Meanwhile, on the left was just a square box with an unknown interior of the nuclear facility itself.
"So, we're going to put me in a coffin, then have you carry me inside until we reach the director of the base?"
"Yep. At least, that's the plan I have... Do you have any other plans?" Kate asked.