"Xiaoyun, wake up."
As Xiaoyun felt a warm touch on his face, he finally woke up from his sleep.
Kate was right in front of him, overshadowing him as the sunlight illuminated her back.
"We still have a lot of work to do. Come on. We have to make it there before noon."
After getting out of the sleeping bag, she quickly handed him his clothes before bringing him to the car.
"I need you to create corn syrup, red food coloring, cocoa powder, and a bucket."
Xiaoyu quickly handed over the items as the two of them began heading downstairs to the car.
"Can you create a box that can fit in your SUV?"
After opening the trunk, Xiaoyun quickly created a box that matched perfectly inside the car.
"This good?"
"Yep. Now I need you to get inside. I'll start painting your wound and your dead pose."
Sitting inside the box, he could see Kate mixing the ingredients he had made inside the bucket.