
"Is that the location?" Zhang asked as they saw a forest in the distance .

They had pinpointed the location of the attackers, thanks to their best tracker. Unfortunately, it came at the cost of her own time; right now, she looked 80 years old already.

According to her, the person they were tracking had suddenly shown a sign of a major power-up, forcing her to use more power. It was to the point that she would have died if she hadn't found this location right away.

For Zhang, the power-up was bad news. 

He concluded that the person they were chasing had been using some kind of limiter before, and it was now broken. If that was the case, then forget about potentially being stronger than Zero; their target was undoubtedly more powerful.

He had already reported this to Cerebrum. But, they couldn't use a nuclear bomb to level this island as it would cause too much commotion.