My Own Blood

"T— This is really unfair... We tried our best to save the universe." Zelly's emotions finally broke through, tears streaming down her face like rainfalls .

I could see she hated the fact that, despite everything they had done, no one would ever acknowledge their sacrifice. 

All their efforts, all their battles, would be forgotten, and their legacy erased. 

After countless years, no one would remember the Zol Clan as protectors. 

Instead, they would be seen as brutal and sadistic people who killed and destroyed without cause, their true intentions lost to history. 

As I looked at her face, something stirred inside me. It wasn't pity, but a realization.

Would I be remembered as someone brutal and sadistic?

Would people see me as an impulsive villain who did whatever I wanted?

Would I be remembered as the very embodiment of evil?