Mars 5

Today was the day we left this planet. I pack my uniforms and personal items I was allowed to bring. Most of them were paperback books and my kindle and my iPod classic. It was 160 GBs of nothing but music and some of my favorite movies and TV shows. We were allowed to bring two rucksacks. I pack everything in under an hour and I was meet by the others that were going to be awake for the duration of the trip while the others were going to be asleep. They were the lucky ones; they didn't have to be awake for six months traveling. As we gather around the dining hall one last time our captain gave us a speech. I wasn't listening. I was wondering what music I should be listening to once we settle out and started the track to Mars.

I was thinking of some jazz and blues. Something relaxing for something that was stressful. After our captain finishes his speech, he called my name and ask me to speak. I looked up at him and glare. I didn't want to speak, I wanted to get ready to leave this planet and start a new life or end in a fiery explosion. But I had to remember my position that our vassal the Leviathan which would bring us to our new home. I walked to the mini platform and closed my eyes. "Today this the day we leave earth, the place we were born, our home planet so to speak, to reach another and call that our new home. I know that every one of us here has asked to be here to make history. I have to say I am proud. No matter what happens most of you will be asleep while I and a small group of others will look out for you. After today we will no longer be earthlings but now be call Martians," I stepped away from the mic and left them. I heard people clap and yell and I was engulfed by a pair of long strong arms. "Dude that was an amazing speech," said Matthew. Then the other came and hugged me to. It was too much for me but I let them have it.

After my speech, everything and everyone was on board and those who were going into the CS-Pods were being prepped, several others were watching over those being put to sleep while I was on the main deck double-checking the controls. Our captain was soon on board, and all saluted him. Today was the day that rank would play a part in this. At thirteen hundred hours we were set to launch. I was feeling the pressure in this mission now. After six long months of training and preparing nothing seem to get you ready for the actual day. Yes, I'll admit I was nervous but who wouldn't be.

After our last and final engine check, we were ready to launch. Everyone who was in the CS-Pods were now resting and those of us who were awake strapped in. I was to the right our Miles and to his left was Ave. She gave me a smile and then we heard the count down. Ten, I held my breath. Nine, I closed my eyes and felt everything slow down. Eight, I reopen my eyes and felt the sweat on my body inside of my protective suit. Seven, I heard Miles say engines are ago. Six, I strangely felt calm. Five, I look outside and saw a bird flying before us. Four, I closed my eyes once again and saw the only girl I ever loved, Ruby, I saw our first kiss and our last. Three, I saw my family all proud of me. Two, I saw nothing. One, I felt the engine rumble to life. Zero, we launch.

We rush into the sky. Leaving behind our world. Our family and friends. I saw the clouds and running through them. I saw blue slowly fading into black. I saw the stars being painted before my eyes and I thought to myself at last.

Everything was stable and fine. Nothing on the sensors. No alarms went off. The gyroscope would activate, and we would have gravity in the active parts of the ship. I look out the window and saw our round home. So blue and green covered in white that was painted by the clouds. We passed the international space station. In a few months' time, we would be on mar sitting up our home base and waiting for a call home. I guess this part was good but anything and everything could happen. We didn't die in an explosion, but anything could happen. I closed my eyes again and I felt something wrap around me. It was warm and it felt like home then it was gone. In that moment I felt so much love that I knew what it was. I tried to remember that feeling and hold onto it.

Soon more stars painted the black canvas before my eyes and the only thing I could think of was Ruby's favorite song 'At Last' by Etta James. She loved the stars and I think that was her way of getting to see them with me. I smile at the thought. Miles gave the Okay for us to remove our seat belts and move freely. I took my off and went in search of my iPod in my gear. I needed to listen to her song. It wasn't long before I hit the play button and turn up the music. I was in my seat by the first note and I close my eyes and let the song wash over me.