Distance Won't Help You

In the live-stream, Cade and his team took out the scriptures that they had stolen from Dragon Tiger Mountain.

They proudly introduced the scriptures to the audience.

"Guys, you'll guess what this is! The secret books of Dragon Tiger Mountain are said to be scriptures that haven't been taught to outsiders for a thousand years. Take a look. You've never seen it before, right?"

Cade was beaming with joy. He took out a hand-copied ancient scripture and showed it to the camera.

The words written on the cover were "Five Thunder Technique".

When they saw this book, many foreigners didn't know what they were looking at.

After all, the Five Thunder Technique was the culture of Dragon Country.

Dragon Country didn't have much cultural influence in the world, let alone a local religion like Daoism.

There were Daoist believers overseas, but not many.

It wasn't like Buddhism which had disciples everywhere on the globe.

Daoist believers were still mostly in the Dragon Kingdom.

Moreover, in the past few decades, Buddhism had prospered in Dragon Country while Daoism had retreated into the mountains and remained hidden.

As a result, young people nowadays know very little about Daoism.

Even in Dragon Country, there might be young people who didn't understand what the Five Thunder Technique was.

Not to mention foreigners.

Seeing that many overseas viewers didn't understand, Cade began to introduce the book in the live-stream.

"This secret book records a spell of the Daoist sects of Dragon Country. It's similar to magic. If you successfully cultivate it, you can control lightning. It's said to be very powerful! It's a secret book of spells that haven't been taught to outsiders for thousands of years on Dragon Tiger Mountain of Dragon Country.

"Moreover, even in Dragon Tiger Mountain, only a very small number of red-robed Daoist priests are qualified to learn it! We stole it from the scripture chamber of Dragon Tiger Mountain yesterday!

"Isn't that awesome?"

Before Cade went to Dragon Tiger Mountain, he had learned a few things about the culture of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Therefore, he knew very well what the lightning technique was.

That was why he knew that this thing was a secret of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

However, he didn't care about this. Now that the item was in his hands, he could do whatever he wanted.

He made an offer in the live-stream.

"Guys, the price of this secret book is now five million dollars! Does anyone want it?"

Cade was extremely bold. He went to Dragon Country to steal the secret book of Dragon Tiger Mountain and began to sell it in the live-stream.

The audience was amazed when Cade took out the Five Thunder Technique.

"Oh my god! You're incredible! You can even steal this thing?"

"I knew it! Dragon Country really has spells! Damn, it can actually control lightning. Isn't that lightning magic? It's so powerful!"

"I want this! But it's too expensive. Can you make it cheaper?"

"Cheaper? Are you kidding me? This is a real spell, and it's only five million dollars. It's nothing. I want it!"

"I want it! I want it! I'll pay 5.5 million dollars! Cade, sell it to me!"

"I'll pay six million. This spell book is mine!"

When they heard that it was a secret book that could cultivate lightning spells, many foreigners watching the live broadcast were excited.

They immediately sent bullet comments, asking to buy the book.

Although this price was exorbitant, the foreigners were willing to pay five million for a book that could cultivate immortality.

It was so worth it!

It would be so cool if they could really learn the thunder technique.

There were many rich people overseas.

Soon, the price of the Five Thunder Technique became higher and higher in the live-stream. It even reached an astronomical figure of more than 10 million dollars.

While the foreigners went frantic,

Dragon Country's netizens in the live-stream were indignant and furious.

"Damn it! Five Lightning Techniques! That's the secret of Dragon Tiger Mountain! How did this thing end up in this bastard's hands?"

"Doesn't Dragon Tiger Mountain have any security guards? How can the Scripture Depository be robbed? How can such a national treasure like this secret book get sold overseas? It's even being auctioned off to a group of foreigners in the live-stream! I'm so angry!"

"I'm so angry that my scalp is numb. My high blood pressure is acting up. The foreigners can't have it, can they? This is the top-notch spell of Daoism!"

"Damn it! I can't stand it anymore. Where's my knife? Where's my knife? I'll buy a plane ticket and fight him in the real world now!"

"Bro, you're so bold! This is a secret technique that Dragon Tiger Mountain has passed down for a thousand years. If the Five Thunder Technique inside is real, some ruthless priest in Dragon Tiger Mountain must have learned it!

"Are you really going to sell their Five Thunder Technique here? Aren't you afraid that the big shot with the lightning technique will personally come and blow you up tomorrow? Are you that bold?"

"That's right. Be rational and think about it. This man doesn't care about his life at all. If you ask me, don't show off in the live-stream. What he's doing now is simply provoking the Daoist masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain. That's a very big sect.

"There are more than a thousand disciples, and tens of thousands of tourists visit the mountain every day. Isn't he worried that the disciples and Daoist believers will come after him?

"I've seen many bold streamers. This is the first time I've seen such a person who's purely courting death. Guys, in my opinion, this guy doesn't have long to live. He's offended so many people by stealing from Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Selling the secret of Dragon Tiger Mountain that hadn't been leaked for thousands of years would directly offend the current Celestial Master and the purple-robed priests of Dragon Tiger Mountain!"

Cade looked at the comments posted by the people of Dragon Country.

Immediately, he sneered. Then, he took out a sword from his side and waved it at the camera. He said, "You people from Dragon Country think too highly of Dragon Tiger Mountain. In my eyes, all the priests there are idiots.

"I've heard you guys bragging about how powerful the so-called purple-robed Celestial Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain is. Look at what this is. Your purple-robed Celestial Master's sword! I took it away yesterday. Isn't he very powerful? How can he let his sword be taken away by me? Hahaha!

"Moreover, I'm overseas now and nowhere near Dragon Country. Let your Celestial Master come. I want to see how awesome he really is!

"How could he kill me when I'm overseas? I'm afraid he can't even reach me! Let me tell you, not only will I sell the so-called secret book of spells from Dragon Tiger Mountain in the live-stream, but I also want to sell this Celestial Master Sword! Yes, I'm going to do it!

"Also, I heard that this Golden Light Curse is also a treasure that can't be taught to outsiders. Today, I'll give all my fans a big treat. I'll let you watch the secret technique for free!"

As Cade spoke, he took out the Golden Light Curse that he had stolen from the Dragon Tiger Mountain's Scripture Depository. He actually wanted to open the book in front of the live broadcast camera so that everyone could see what was written inside.

In the beginning, countless Dragon Country netizens believed that the Celestial Master would definitely punish the thief for his bold behavior.

However, in the next second, Cade took out a sword and called it the Celestial Master Sword.

The sword was exactly the same as the Celestial Master Sword of Dragon Tiger Mountain!

Everyone looked at the Celestial Master Sword that Cade took out.

Many discerning people from the Daoist sects of Dragon Country could tell at a glance if it was real or fake.

In the end, they had to admit that it was indeed the real thing!

It was the genuine Celestial Master Sword.

As soon as he made that announcement,

countless people in the live-stream fell silent.

Many netizens were dumbfounded.

It couldn't be!

The Celestial Master Sword was stolen?

Could it be that the Celestial Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain was really as useless as this streamer had said?

In fact, many netizens of Dragon Country knew that all the sayings about the purple-robed Celestial Master's invincible Five Thunder Technique

and that the Celestial Master could beat up a hundred people all at once was most likely just rumors and flattery.

However, many people were still very willing to believe this rumor.

After all, the Dao Sect was a local sect of Dragon Country.

The Celestial Master of Dragon Tiger Mountain was the belief of many people.

They were more willing to believe that Celestial Masters were really capable and not just an ordinary person.

However, now that this foreign streamer had taken out the Celestial Master Sword, it had undoubtedly completely shattered the confidence of many Dragon Country netizens.

Many people went dumbfounded.

The Celestial Master Sword had been stolen, so they had nothing to say.

If the Celestial Master was really capable, how could he not know that something as important as the Celestial Master Sword, which had been passed down for generations, was stolen under his nose?

This could only mean that the Celestial Master wasn't as powerful as everyone thought!

Everything was just the imagination of the Dragon Country netizens.

Now, Cade was going to show off the Golden Light Curse in public.

Countless Dragon Country netizens felt even more helpless.

This time, they were completely powerless!

Initially, they had hoped that the Celestial Master would teach this arrogant fellow a lesson. Now, it seemed that the Celestial Master was not as powerful as they thought.

Was the Celestial Masters really so useless?

In Cade's live-stream, countless Dragon Country netizens fell silent. The comments instantly decreased after Cade took out the Celestial Master Sword.

However, just as Cade took out the Golden Light Curse.

In Dragon Country thousands of miles away.

On Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Wind and clouds suddenly surged in the sky. The scorching sun disappeared, and dark clouds instantly gathered.

From time to time, the sound of thunder could be heard.

At the same time that the thunderclouds above Dragon Tiger Mountain were rolling…

In the sky above Cade's villa, a large number of dark clouds began to gather rapidly.

Thunder rolled, emitting terrifying rumbling sounds.

In the Three Pure Hall of the Dragon Tiger Mountain, Qin Yang was circulating the divine-grade Five Thunder Technique in his palms. Lightning wrapped around his entire body, echoing with the rolling thunderclouds above Dragon Tiger Mountain and Cade's villa.

Seeing that the foreigner named Cade was really going to open the secret book of the Golden Light Curse and display it on the camera,

in the next second,

Qin Yang had a thought, and raging lightning instantly swept out.

Thousands of lightning bolts instantly washed down from the dark clouds like ten thousand purple pythons.

They all bombarded the Cade's villa.

Qin Yang said, "If you insist on offending me, let me show you what I can do! Just because you're overseas doesn't mean you're out of reach!"