The Light of God

In the operating theater, Cade's condition gradually stabilized after Death left.

The surgery ended successfully.

A few hours later, Cade woke up.

His eyes slowly opened a crack, and a large number of memories surged into his mind.

Was he broadcasting live in the villa? Then, a bolt of lightning struck down and blew up his villa.

As the computer in front of him exploded, Cade was sent flying. He crashed into the wall before falling unconscious.

"Fuck, my head hurts. Where am I?"

Cade managed to open his eyes a crack with much difficulty.

Seeing Cade open his eyes and become conscious, Cade's parents instantly became excited.

"Cade! That's great! You're awake!"

When Cade came out of the operating theater, the doctor told Cade's parents that he had a severe concussion and that there was a possibility that he wouldn't wake up and become a vegetable.

Hence, Cade's parents had always been worried that he wouldn't wake up. But now that he had woken up, it meant that he hadn't become a vegetable.

Cade's parents were feeling elated when…

Cade, who had just opened his eyes, seemed to have suddenly seen something terrifying.

Behind his parents were two ferocious-looking evil spirits.

One of them was huge and held a ghost-headed machete.

The other was dressed in red, and her face was rotten. Just looking at her made one shiver, especially her mouth. The corners of her mouth had already split open to the ears.

In the next second, the Red Ghost King grinned at Cade.

The malicious ghost at her side immediately swung the ghost-headed machete in his hand viciously. Without another word, he slashed at Cade, who had just woken up.

One slash!


Cade let out a blood-curdling scream as his eyes rolled back, and he fainted again.

After Cade fainted, two streams of black and red gas that ordinary people couldn't see floated out of his body, and the black gas was sucked into the Head Slayer Ghost's stomach.

The red gas was absorbed by the Red Ghost King.

Both demons looked satisfied.

"The fear and resentment of the Four Yin Body are indeed the best nutrients for our cultivation!"

The cultivation of this Head Slayer Ghost relied on absorbing the fear of living people.

The more living people feared him, the more he could get from the fear in their bodies.

As for the Red Ghost King, she absorbed the resentment of living people. The stronger the resentment, the better she absorbed it!

Furthermore, Cade possessed the Four Yin Body, and the fear and resentment he generated were of the highest quality!

After the Head Slayer Ghost beheaded him, Cade fainted.

Beauty Snake didn't hold back and charged forward, coiling herself around Cade's body. She then lowered her head and started to suck in Yang energy from Cade's head.

A large amount of Yang energy was absorbed by the Beauty Snake.

Cade's face instantly turned pale.

As for the Golden-armored Ghoul, it was the last to walk forward. He opened his mouth and sucked in a large amount of Yin energy from the Four Yin Body. This Golden-armored Ghoul became even stronger.

About these four malicious demons…

If the Yin energy required for their cultivation clashed, they would definitely fight over Cade's Four Yin Body.

But it was such a coincidence.

The sinister energy that these four demons needed to cultivate was completely different.

The Red Ghost King needed resentment, and the Head Slayer Ghost needed fear.

Beauty Snake and the Golden-armored Ghoul needed Yin and Yang energy respectively.

They could perfectly avoid all conflicts.

Therefore, the four malicious demons had already come up with a plan.

The four of them took turns sucking energy. It was better to be happy together!

These four malicious demons followed Cade and were exceptionally harmonious with one another.

They would always stay by Cade's side. Not only wouldn't they let him die, but they would also protect him well.

After all, Cade was now an important source of nutrients for their cultivation.

Keeping him alive was equivalent to having an unlimited supply of top-grade Yin Yang energy, fear, and resentment.

From today onward, as long as Cade recovered a little, they would immediately extract all his remaining value.

The torture had just begun!

Cade's state continued for seven days.

Initially, when his parents saw Cade, who had just woken up and screamed before fainting again, they felt that this was just the aftereffects of the surgery.

However, when the doctors were called over later, they couldn't understand what illness he was suffering from.

Logically speaking, Cade's surgery shouldn't have such strange side effects.

The normal sequelae were dementia, forgetfulness, or being in a coma for a long time.

But Cade didn't seem to be demented or forgetful!

He was definitely not in a vegetative state, as Cade was continuously waking up and screaming as he continued to pass out.

Over the past few days, the doctors had conducted numerous brain and body checks on Cade, but they didn't find anything unusual.

However, Cade seemed to be getting weaker and weaker.

The doctors felt that it didn't seem to be a sequela. It was more like he was possessed.

"Why don't you invite a priest over to take a look? Maybe he's possessed by a demon or something."

Although the doctors believed in science, what happened was too strange.

It wasn't a bad idea to let a priest perform a cleansing ritual.

Hearing the doctor's suggestion, Cade's parents immediately went to a famous church nearby to look for the priest. They spent a considerable sum of money to invite the priest to the ward to help.

On the way, Cade's parents told the priest about their son's condition.

He fainted and woke up repeatedly.

Moreover, he was getting weaker and weaker. Occasionally, he would scream loudly. It was very terrifying.

The priest held the cross and said, "It seems that your son has indeed been corroded by the devil, but it doesn't matter. I'm the messenger of God. Any devil will die under the light of God! Your son will return to normal! Don't worry!"

With the Bible in his left hand and the cross in his right, he was followed by two assistants.

One of them held holy water, while the other held a divine silver sword. They marched into the ward.

The priest was very confident in his own strength and the glory of God.

After all, he had been a priest for more than 30 years and had encountered many supernatural events over the years. He had defeated almost a hundred vampires, demons, and undead creatures.

Moreover, half a month ago, this priest personally killed a vampire viscount who had just woken up.

His reputation soared and spread far and wide, making him famous in this area.

Therefore, the priest was now bursting with confidence. No demon could resist the power of God!

At the door of the ward, the priest asked Cade's parents to wait outside while he pushed open the door with two assistants and walked in.

As soon as the priest walked in, the Red Ghost King hung upside down from the ceiling.

A large amount of blood seeped into the ground from her rotten face.

Then, the Red Ghost King gently held the priest's face with her rotten fingers and looked into his eyes.

She smiled at the priest, the corners of her mouth cracking to the back of her head.

"Father, are you here to catch ghosts?"