Who Can He Blame

At the foot of Dragon Tiger Mountain, Cade's parents were dumbfounded as they watched the Celestial Master Sword fly away in a streak of light from their hands.

This was especially true for Cade's father, who was dumbfounded.

After all, he had brought that sword all the way from Mica and had seen it fly away from his hand with his own eyes. This shocking feeling was simply indescribable.

In the live-stream, the netizens of Dragon Country were in an uproar.

"WTF! What did I just see?"

"I can't believe my eyes. Guys, did I just see the Celestial Master Sword fly away on its own?"

"I'm not dreaming, am I? Is this real?"

"Flying Sword Technique! It really exists! That's fucking Flying Sword Technique!"

"I've been reading web novels for six years and have always felt that cultivation and flying swords are all nonsense. Who would have thought that it was real?!"

"This is ridiculous. Where did science go? Newton must be so confused!"

The scene of the Celestial Master Sword breaking through the air and flying away was captured by countless cameras, and the netizens of Dragon Country were dumbfounded.

It was said before that the Daoist masters on Dragon Tiger Mountain knew spells, immortal cultivation, and lighting techniques.

However, no one had seen it with their own eyes. There was no evidence to prove that it was real.

There were also many know-it-alls online who had been explaining that the lightning techniques, immortal cultivation, and spells of Dragon Tiger Mountain were actually fake.

They said the Thunder Technique was just a concept.

But now, the sword had flown into the sky. Moreover, it was seen by tens of millions of viewers with their own eyes. How was science going to explain that?

The Celestial Master Longhu wasn't pretending anymore, was he?

Everyone watched as the Celestial Master Sword flew away into the Celestial Master Residence.

Cade's parents looked at each other. Then, without further delay, they shifted the half-dead Cade from his wheelchair to a stretcher. The few of them carried Cade and prepared to walk up the Dragon Tiger Mountain.

They were going to ascend Dragon Tiger Mountain and personally apologize to the Daoist masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain. They were also going to return the secret manuals and artifacts that Cade had stolen.

However, when Cade's parents picked up the stretcher and were about to take a step forward, an invisible wall blocked their path in the next second.

No matter what, they couldn't step onto the mountain path of Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Cade's parents were filled with confusion, not knowing what had happened.

Other tourists clearly could walk onto the path.

There didn't seem to be any obstacles. Why couldn't they move forward?

Cade's father exerted all his strength and wanted to force his way up.

In the end, a terrifying force rebounded and sent him stumbling backward.

Cade's father was shocked, and he took quite a few steps back before barely managing to stabilize himself.

He looked at the seemingly ordinary mountain path of Dragon Tiger Mountain in shock.

At this moment, he suddenly realized that it was impossible for an ordinary mountain path to have such a strange ability.

Moreover, it was fine for the other tourists, but they couldn't go up no matter what.

That meant that the Daoist masters on Dragon Tiger Mountain didn't welcome them and wouldn't even allow them to enter the sect.

Cade's father's face instantly turned pale.

They had come all the way from Mica and were sincere. They didn't expect the Daoist masters of Dragon Tiger Mountain to not forgive them which was what they were most afraid of.

After all, what their stupid son had done was too much.

Otherwise, Dragon Tiger Mountain wouldn't have done this.

At the same time, although they had traveled all the way here, it didn't mean that Dragon Tiger Mountain had to forgive them.

Who were they?

Why did they deserve that kind of mercy?

Could they steal and return the items as they liked?

Of course not.

Dragon Tiger Mountain had its pride.

When the surrounding reporters and media saw this scene, they were in an uproar.

They all looked at the Dragon Tiger Mountain. These people had never thought that walking the mountain path of the Dragon Tiger Mountain was so difficult.

They couldn't even get onto the mountain.

The Celestial Master was indeed domineering.

Cade's mother and the group of people who had come with him didn't know what to do.

The Dragon Tiger Mountain wasn't even allowed to enter. What should they do?

In the next second, Cade's father gritted his teeth and walked forward. Without another word, he fell to his knees with a plop.

Then, he looked over his shoulder at Cade's mother and the others behind him. He said, "What are you waiting for? Hurry up and kneel! We'll kneel until Dragon Tiger Mountain lets us go up the mountain!"

Cade's father had some understanding of Dragon Country's culture.

Therefore, he knew how important the thousand-year-old inheritance was in Dragon Country and how important the thousand-year-old secret manuals were to Dragon Tiger Mountain.

Not to mention the Celestial Master Sword, which was an inheritance of the Celestial Master.

Therefore, when he first heard about this in Mica, he was very angry and wished he could slap his useless son.

Why did he have to find a place with a thousand-year legacy to make trouble?

Moreover, those people knew spells.

Now that they weren't allowed to go up the mountain, they had to kneel until the masters were satisfied and agreed to forgive them.

Of course, they could also leave without kneeling.

It was still the same as before. They would have to bear the consequences!

Cade's parents had no choice now. After all, they wanted help from Dragon Tiger Mountain, not the other way around.

Cade was barely alive, and even the priest from Mica couldn't do anything about it. That priest was still crying and shouting as he walked out of the hospital.

If Dragon Tiger Mountain didn't make a move, Cade wouldn't be able to survive.

That was the price.

Cade's parents could only kneel.

At this moment, on the top of the Dragon Tiger Mountain, in the Celestial Master Residence.

Qin Yang was dressed in a purple dragon-tiger robe. He held the Celestial Master Sword and stood with it on his back. His gaze was cold as he looked down at the foot of the mountain.

After cultivating the Great Way of Immortality, Qin Yang had already reached the ninth level of Qi Refinement in a few days.

Now, his five senses had increased by a thousand times. He was no longer comparable to ordinary humans.

He could see everything that was happening at the foot of the mountain at a glance.

The invisible wall blocking Cade's parents was Qin Yang's doing.

When he saw Cade's parents and the others kneeling in front of the mountain path, he didn't say a word.

Even Xuan Yin, who had received the news and reported it to the Celestial Master, couldn't help but say, "Celestial Master, Cade's parents are in their fifties, after all. They are also from overseas. Isn't it a little inappropriate to just let them kneel at the foot of the mountain?"

Qin Yang turned to look at Xuan Yin. After a while, he said, "What's wrong with that? If they make a mistake, they have to be punished and live with it. The Dragon Tiger Mountain has a thousand years of inheritance. For a thousand years, we've protected this world. We're a famous immortal sect blessed by the heavens! They can't come and go as they please!

"So what if they're from overseas? They were barbarians a thousand years ago. Why should the Dragon Tiger Mountain treat them differently?

"Moreover, that streamer stole our Dharma artifacts and the secret books. We've accepted that incident as it has happened, but he can't accept this outcome now. Who can he blame?

"If the children misbehave, it's the parents' fault. I gave them a time limit of three days to return everything. After that, they would have to bear the consequences. Now that three days have passed, they chose this path themselves. They can't blame others.

"Make them kneel until I'm satisfied!"

With that, Qin Yang carried his sword and left.