Everything Is Prepared

Liu Tianbao and the villagers all went back home.

Qin Yang followed Liu Tianbao to his house.

Big Domain Village was doing well. At the very least, Liu Tianbao seemed to be living comfortably.

He had a two-story house. There was a sizable courtyard and a piece of land in the courtyard where he could grow green onions, eggplants, and chili.

Rural life was very comfortable.

Liu Tianbao smiled bitterly and said to Qin Yang, "Celestial Master, I've embarrassed myself. Actually, there were a few old hens in this small courtyard the other day. I've been saving them for my wife after she gives birth to our third child. I didn't expect the village to be targeted by thieves. All the chickens in the village were gone, and my family wasn't spared either. Damn those thieves!"

Liu Tianbao gritted his teeth, obviously hating the chicken thief.

His old hens had been raised for over seven years and were very precious. It was difficult to find them in the market.

He couldn't bear to eat them himself. He had saved them for his wife after her childbirth, but he didn't expect them to be stolen.

How could Liu Tianbao not hate the thieves?

Qin Yang looked at Liu Tianbao. Judging from his face and bone structure, Liu Tianbao was already 42 years old.

His wife was two years younger than him and was 40 years old this year.

They were in their forties…

She could still give birth to her third child.

Qin Yang could only say that Liu Tianbao was in good health!

He waited at Liu Tianbao's house for more than an hour. At this moment, the last trace of the sunset had already disappeared.

Captain Zhou and the two police cars finally returned to the village.

Each of the police officers was carrying a big bag that was stuffed full of things

Captain Zhou told the police officers behind him to be quiet. Then, he quickly walked into the house of Liu Tianbao, where he had agreed to meet the Celestial Master.

In the courtyard, Qin Yang had been waiting for a long time.

Captain Zhou said, "I'm sorry, Celestial Master. It was already four in the afternoon when you asked me to buy old hens. The market in town had long closed. Moreover, it's indeed not easy to buy old hens raised in free range. We had to visit several nearby villages before we could buy these old hens from the villagers. Do you think it's enough?"

Captain Zhou asked the others to bring in the bags.

There were three or four hens in each pocket. There were a total of four pockets, which meant that there were twelve of them.

Qin Yang nodded. "That's enough. Send all these chickens to the central room of Village Chief Liu's house. Then, everyone enters the house. Closes the front gate and door to the central room. Lock the doors as well. All we have to do now is wait."

Liu Tianbao said "What? You want to put the chickens in my house?"

He frowned.

His family had always liked to be clean.

The house had long been rebuilt. In the past, poultry was never allowed into the house, but today, the Celestial Master wanted to let so many old hens into the house. Liu Tianbao didn't like the idea.

However, the most important thing now was to destroy the demons that had wreaked havoc in the village.

Liu Tianbao endured it.

He could only watch as Captain Zhou and the others chased more than ten old hens into the house.

The twelve old hens paced back and forth in Liu Tianbao's house, occasionally flapping their wings and making clucking sounds. A few old hens even jumped onto Liu Tianbao's sofa and the dining table.

One of the hens even flew up the fridge and pooped.

Liu Tianbao couldn't stand it anymore and went straight to the bedroom to calm down.

Captain Zhou and the others had already closed and locked the doors.

Captain Zhou asked, "Celestial Master, everything has been done according to your instructions. What else should we do now?"

Qin Yang opened the System Shop and spent 1,200 reputation points to buy six Concealment Talismans and six Invisibility Talismans.

He distributed the talismans to the five police officers, including Captain Zhou.

He said, "Each of you will have two talismans. One is an aura concealment talisman, and the other is an invisibility talisman. Stick it on your body and sit here. We'll wait for the thieves."

What they had to do now was to wait here and wait for those mountain spirits to appear.

Captain Zhou and the others each held two talismans and looked at the two talismans bestowed by the Celestial Master.

They stuck the two talismans on their chests.

After sticking it on, a faint light flashed on the talisman.

Captain Zhou and the others looked at each other. What surprised them was that although they had pasted on the so-called invisibility talisman given by Celestial Master, they weren't invisible!

They could still see each other.

Captain Zhou said, "Celestial Master, are you sure this talisman is effective? Why can I still see myself and the others?"

Qin Yang took a deep breath, looked at him, and said, "This Invisibility Talisman that I gave you is only effective against mountain spirits and wild monsters, not human eyes."

Invisibility Talismans that were effective on the human eye were considered third-grade talismans in the Dao Sect. They were ranked among the middle and high-grade talismans.

The price was far more than 100 reputation points.

Today, he was only dealing with some mountain spirits and ghosts. This low-level Invisibility Talisman was enough.

When Captain Zhou heard that, he immediately came to a realization. So this thing only had an effect on demons and ghosts. No wonder.

Qin Yang continued, "It shouldn't be long before mountain spirits and wild monsters arrive at his house. No matter what you see, don't make a sound. Once you alert them, it'll be difficult to catch them next time, understand?"

Captain Zhou and the other police officers nodded.

"Celestial Master, don't worry. We know what to do."

An hour passed quickly.

An hour later, on a small hill outside Big Domain Village.

The bright moonlight shone on the top of the hill. Seven or eight figures the size of wild cats showed up and jumped up the high slope in an extremely agile manner.

These figures stood upright and looked at Big Domain Village not far away.

At this moment, one of the figures said, "Boss, this village smells so good! I think I smell an old hen!"

"Yeah, I can smell it too. Only an old hen that has been raised by humans for more than seven years can have such a mellow smell. I can't take it anymore. I'm dying of craving. Boss, let's go!"

"It seems that there are quite a lot of them. Apart from bringing the prey back to the old ancestor, we can also have a full meal ourselves. I can't hold it in anymore. Let's go now."

"I can already tell which house it's coming from. It smells so good!"

On the hillside, sharp voices kept talking.

This voice didn't sound like a man or a woman.

It was more like a mixture of the two.

If a living person was here and saw this scene on the hill, they would definitely be shocked.

Because the creatures talking on the hill weren't humans at all but a group of weasels in tattered yellow Daoist robes.

Each weasel was wearing a tattered robe, which was too big for them.

But even so, they still wore it properly.

Moreover, on the back of every single robe was embroidered with an Eyeless Yin Yang Fish Diagram that emitted a sinister aura.
