Chapter 12: The Supreme Elder

Jiufeng Ridge, Baozhi Peak.

That day, Zhou Chun had just emerged from the Spirit Cleansing Pavilion, and as usual, he first returned to his residence to sit in meditation and recover his mana.

However, he had been meditating for less than an hour when he felt the array in his courtyard being triggered by someone from outside.

When he finished his meditation and opened the courtyard door, he saw Zhou Yong waiting for him with an urgent expression.

As soon as he saw him come out, Zhou Yong immediately said with a grave voice, "The Clan Leader has ordered that, except for the cultivators guarding the Spirit Cleansing Pavilion and the Mountain Protection Array, all clan members within the mountain gate must gather at Pagoda Peak. There's an important matter that needs to be announced publicly!"

After speaking, he gave Zhou Chun a fist-and-palm salute and said, "I still need to notify others. Brother Chun, you should hurry to Pagoda Peak."

An important matter that needs to be announced publicly?

A flash of uncertainty crossed Zhou Chun's eyes. He looked at the departing figure of Zhou Yong and promptly tidied up before heading to Pagoda Peak.

By the time he reached the summit of Pagoda Peak, he found that dozens of Zhou Family cultivators had already gathered there.

From old men over a hundred years old to teenagers in their teens, their eyes were filled with confusion, evidently just like Zhou Chun; they had all been suddenly called here.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Chun put aside the thought of seeking information, greeted some of the familiar clan members, and then waited together with them.

Half an hour later, when the number of Zhou Family cultivators gathered on the mountain had reached nearly a hundred, Clan Leader Zhou Guyi and three Elders finally emerged from the Central Peace Hall.

But just when Zhou Chun and the others thought the reason was about to be announced, Clan Leader Zhou Guyi and the four Foundation Establishment cultivators suddenly bowed in unison toward the mountaintop and said, "We respectfully welcome the Supreme Elder's emergence from seclusion."

No sooner had the words fallen than a burst of azure light shot up from the mountaintop, quickly descending to the middle of the mountain, revealing the figure of an elder in blue robes with white hair.

This elder in blue robes was Zhou Wende, the like-pillar of the Zhou Family, a Purple Mansion Phase cultivator.

Though he appeared somewhat aged, Zhou Wende's years were in fact not considered high among Purple Mansion Phase cultivators.

Purple Mansion Phase cultivators generally have a lifespan of over four hundred years, some even approaching five hundred years.

Zhou Wende was only a little over two hundred years old; the reason for his full head of white hair was that he had reached the Purple Mansion Phase when he was just over two hundred, close to the lifespan limit of Foundation Establishment cultivators.

In fact, Zhou Wende's breakthrough to the Purple Mansion Phase over a decade ago was seen as a godsend for the present-day Zhou Family.

If it weren't for Zhou Wende, who dared to take the lead and stand up when the Sanjue Sect was being disbanded, it's doubtful that any of the Zhou Family cultivators would have dared to face Yu Jinghua, a Golden Core Stage cultivator, and proposed creating their own faction to establish the Zhou Family.

Therefore, in today's Zhou Family, Zhou Wende, the Supreme Elder, was still greatly beloved and respected.

Upon his appearance, led by Clan Leader Zhou Guyi, all the Zhou Family cultivators present bowed and said, "The younger generation pays respects to the Supreme Elder."

"No need for such courtesies, my fellow clan members, follow me into the Ancestral Shrine," said Zhou Wende.

With a sweep of his big sleeve, he then led the way to the Ancestral Shrine, which since its establishment had always been kept closed.

As a cultivation family organized around the family clan, the Zhou Family's Ancestral Shrine was naturally a place of particular importance, constructed with precious materials and protected by a dedicated array.

Normally, to open this Ancestral Shrine, only Supreme Elder Zhou Wende and Clan Leader Zhou Guyi were qualified.

At that moment, Zhou Wende opened the doors to the Ancestral Shrine, and Zhou Chun and other Zhou Family cultivators followed behind, witnessing for the first time what lay inside.

Upon entering, one could see a square-shaped courtyard with a pond at the center, where several lotus leaves floated. The lotus leaves were as green and translucent as jade, radiating intense spiritual energy.

Beneath the lotus leaves, in the clear pond, swam several large golden carp, their bodies also emanating a faint spiritual energy.

Looking to the corridors on either side of the courtyard, the walls depicted the origins of the Zhou Family through murals and inscriptions, recounting some of the heroic deeds once performed by ancestors of the Zhou Family.

For example, an ancestor from the Zhou Family named Zhou Tong had once, along with two Golden Core friends, slain a fourth-order Flood Dragon that plagued the Cultivation World.

In the mural, one could see this ancestor of the Zhou Family slashing down the Flood Dragon.

Another example was an ancestor named Zhou Xia, who had once entered a strange land and brought back a type of spiritual insect called the 'Jade Spirit Bee,' greatly benefiting the Zhou Family.

On the mural, one could also see this ancestor raising bees and harvesting honey.

All ancestors of the Zhou Family who appear in this ancestral shrine in the form of murals are those with great merit to the Zhou Family and deserve to be remembered forever by the descendants and cultivators of the Zhou Family for their contributions.

"People must not forget their origins, nor can they forget their ancestors!"

"Although we cultivators seek immortality and the Way of eternal life, being born human, we must base ourselves on humanity and behave in a manner befitting of humans."

"Without the contributions of the ancestors depicted on the merit walls on either side, how could we have the opportunity to stand here today? How could we possess our current cultivation levels?"

"Therefore, no matter how high your cultivation reaches in the future, no matter where you are, never forget the achievements of your ancestors, never forget whose blood flows in your veins!"

"Of course, I hope that one day, the names of some of you will also appear on this wall of merit, making the spirits of our ancestors in heaven and the descendants of the Zhou Family proud of you and taking pride in you!"

The sonorous and deep voice came slowly from Zhou Wende's mouth and reverberated in the ancestral shrine.

When the cultivators of the Zhou Family who were present in the ancestral shrine heard these words, a peculiar emotion arose in their hearts.

Some of the elderly showed expressions of shame and embarrassment on their faces, and hung their heads as if feeling unworthy of their ancestors.

Some of the younger people, the youth, involuntarily puffed out their chests, their eyes showing longing for such esteem.

Even Zhou Chun's eyes slightly tightened, somewhat touched by the sentiment.

Worshiping the ancestors and honoring one's lineage are matters that were respected and acknowledged even in his previous life.

He distinctly remembered that when he was admitted to college, his parents, grandparents, and other blood-related relatives were so happy that they told everyone they met, and the villagers also praised him for his success.

That must have been the highlight of his previous life!

Unfortunately, after entering society, that kind of recognition never occurred again, and he even avoided going home often because he had not married!

Lost in thoughts of his previous life, Zhou Chun unconsciously followed the crowd to the main hall of the ancestral shrine.

Since the Zhou Family had a history of over a thousand years, the number of cultivators that had emerged from it was countless.

Therefore, the spirit tokens in this main hall, besides those of the first and second generation ancestors, all belonged to individuals with cultivation levels of Foundation Establishment Stage or higher.

The spirit tokens of Zhou Family cultivators who had not reached the Foundation Establishment Stage were offered in the side halls on both sides of the main hall.

But in reality, since mortals were not allowed to enter the ancestral shrine, for many of the spirit tokens inside, it was difficult to find corresponding descendants among the cultivators present today.

Take Zhou Chun as an example. His body's parents and grandparents were mortals, and it was only within five generations that a cultivator with a Spiritual Root like him emerged.

If he did not consult the family genealogy, he really did not know the names of his cultivating ancestors from three generations above, not to mention where their spirit tokens were currently offered.

And among the Zhou Family cultivators present here, there were quite a number who were in the same situation as him.

Therefore, so as not to affect the unity of the clan members, Zhou Wende simply led everyone to bow and offer incense to all the spirit tokens starting from the main hall.

After completing this set of ancestral worship rituals, everyone returned to the main hall of the ancestral shrine, where Zhou Wende slowly turned around, his back to the spirit tokens of the ancestors and his expression stern as he faced the crowd.

Seeing this, everyone tensed up, knowing that he was about to announce something important.

They immediately focused, holding their breath and waiting in silence.

"From the time our ancestor founded the Sanjue Sect, the Zhou Family has existed. It can be said that as long as the Sanjue Sect has been handed down, our Zhou Family has too."

"Over the years, the Zhou Family has always shared honor and disgrace with the Sanjue Sect, and in order to maintain the sect's succession and unity, our ancestors have always intended to dilute the influence of the family."

"Now that the Sanjue Sect is no more, and the Zhou Family has been split into two by a great calamity, the clan members have scattered."

"Since we of the Jiufeng Ridge lineage have inherited the orthodox line of the Zhou Family and the ancestral rites of worship, we must, from now on, take the family as our foundation and our bloodline as our bond, working together with one heart to forge brilliance, to develop and glorify the Zhou Family, making our ancestors and future generations proud and admiring of us!"

Having said this, Zhou Wende paused slightly and looked at the clan members who were listening attentively.

Then his tone suddenly became more solemn and he solemnly said, "Therefore, in order to develop and glorify the Zhou Family, to make the cultivation of future generations go more smoothly and conveniently, and to strengthen the Zhou Family, reformation is imperative!"

"After several months of discussion with the Clan Leader and the Elders, we have initially drafted most of the necessary reforms. Today, I will announce them publicly here, in the presence of our ancestors."