Chapter 49: Uncle and Nephew Debate, Attitude Changes

"Smooth talker, spouting nonsense!"

Within the "Spirit Beast Restaurant," facing Zhou Chun's impassioned speech, Zhou Jiasheng simply sneered and uttered these eight words.

He looked at Zhou Chun with a cold sneer, and said in a cold voice, "You say that our market's Cultivators are eagerly discussing our practice of clear pricing, which is indeed true, but even if we didn't practice clear pricing, would they stop talking about our Spirit Beast Restaurant?"

"Good wine needs no bush, our Spirit Beast Restaurant's name and our key products are unique in Hongya Marketplace, we need not worry that people won't know about us in the future!"

"So isn't this clear pricing tactic to attract customers an unnecessary move?"

"And such an unnecessary move, other than hurting the shop's profits by reducing its income, Elder sees no other benefit!"