Chapter 74: Betrayal and Kin Slaying

The massive sales of the poison "Touch of Despair" had not only greatly pleased Zhou Jiasheng and Zhou Chun but also benefited Zhou Jiahui, who was extremely delighted as well.

Because the source of the mucus needed to be kept absolutely secret, and Zhou Jiahe, as the Peak Master of Baozhi Peak, was a more conspicuous target,

the task of frequently going to the underground river to capture the "Poison Thorn Catfish" and collect its mucus was handed over to her.

The "Poison Thorn Catfish" was the name Zhou Chun had given to that strange fish Demon Beast, which for the moment only those in the know were aware of.

And every time Zhou Jiahui went to collect the mucus, she was able to earn a good amount of family merit rewards.

How could she not hope for the "Touch of Despair" to continue selling well?

It was precisely because she deeply understood the importance of keeping secrets that Zhou Jiahui was extremely cautious every time she left the clan.