Chapter 75: Disrespectful to Elders, Honey Flower Tea [Seeking First Subscription]_3

Having said that, he noticed that Zhou Chun had remained silent the whole time and thought Zhou Chun was so angry that he was at a loss for words. He hurriedly comforted Zhou Chun again, "Zhengchun, don't take it to heart. That boy has been arrogant and conceited not just for a day or two. Maybe he's grown jealous and come to pick a fight after hearing the Clan Leader and others praise you so often. You mustn't fall for his tricks!"

At these words, Zhou Chun immediately shook his head, speaking calmly, "Uncle, I'm fine, don't worry about me. I won't quibble over these things with him."

Then, with a tone of puzzlement, he added, "But if he has any grievances against me, Uncle, the reason you mentioned could explain it. However, why wouldn't he even show you, Uncle, any respect? Isn't this just making trouble for himself openly?"

Zhou Jiasheng's expression changed when he heard this, and a look of confusion appeared in his eyes.