Chapter 75: Disrespectful to Elders, Honey Flower Tea [Please Subscribe]

Zhou Jiahui is dead!

But this news won't be known to anyone for the time being.

Zhou Zhengkang was very confident in himself, confident that no one could possibly find any evidence.

What disappointed him was that he couldn't find the habitat of the strange fish that produced the mucus, although he suspected it should be in the deep mountains near where Zhou Jiahui died.

After repeatedly cleaning the site and the battlefield several times, he left the mountain range and headed straight for Hongya Marketplace.

Soon after, Zhou Zhengkang arrived at Hongya Marketplace with a disguised identity, and in a private room at a teahouse within the marketplace, he handed over Zhou Jiahui's belongings to Yu Deguang, a Foundation Establishment cultivator from Spirit Beast Manor who was waiting there.