Chapter 83: Choose a Secret Technique Again, Gain Strength Through Hardship

Flying Rock Peak, Book Collection Tower.

Since Zhou Chun became the Clan Leader's secretary, the frequency of his visits to the Book Collection Tower had greatly decreased.

He only came occasionally, when he found some spare time.

But that wasn't to read books; it was to visit the Green Wood Spirit Ape that guarded the Book Collection Tower.

The experience of getting help from the Green Wood Spirit Ape to capture the Emerald Crown Flying Serpent had given Zhou Chun a great deal of inspiration.

Creatures such as the Green Wood Spirit Ape, unique to the Zhou Family, could prove extremely helpful if a good relationship was established. In the future, asking for their assistance would be much easier than persuading a Cultivator in the Foundation Establishment Stage, and there would be no favors owed in return.