Chapter 90: Sword Slays the Flood Dragon, The Secret of Xu Kaishan [Please Subscribe]_2

Facing the world-overbearing Demon Flood Dragon, those mortals were as weak as ants.

A mischievous child could overturn a bowl of hot water and annihilate a nest of ants.

A single rampage by a Flood Dragon could also wipe out multiple mortal villages and towns.

At this moment, Zhou Chun's heart was filled with both sympathy for those innocently slaughtered mortals and anger towards the malevolent Flood Dragon.

And alongside those feelings, fear filled him as well.

The fear of the power of the strong!

In front of a powerhouse like the Demon Flood Dragon, he, a Qi Refinement Realm cultivator, was nothing more than a slightly larger ant, easily crushed with a flick of the wrist!

"Is this the power of a Purple Mansion Phase powerhouse? The gap is so vast!"

The Purple Mansion Phase and the Qi Refinement Realm were only separated by the Foundation Establishment Stage.

However, the levels of power that the two held were as different as heaven and earth.