Chapter 102: Human Heart and Human Nature [Subscribe Please]_2


Moreover, these Spirit Meals might not do much for increasing one's cultivation level, but they seemed to have a great effect on replenishing Qi and enriching the blood. After consuming it, Zhou Chun felt a warmth throughout his body, showing signs of being over-nourished.

Liu Qingshan quickly realized this as well and promptly shook his head, saying, "No, no, you cannot eat any more. If you do, you'll vomit blood!"

Then he proceeded to drink with Zhou Chun.

The pot of Golden Liquid Jade Dew Wine, worthy of a gift from a Foundation Establishment Stage cultivator, was not only excellent in taste, but also more beneficial for promoting cultivation than the Spirit Meals. With one sip, Zhou Chun felt as if it equaled days of meditative cultivation.

They took turns, you a cup and I a cup, and in less than two hours, they had finished a pot of Spiritual Wine, both leaning back in their chairs, faces full of satisfaction.