Chapter 106: Courting Death, the Supreme Elder's Reward【Subscribe Please】_2


Even so, under the pressure of rank, the person with a late Foundation Establishment stage cultivation level was retreating step by step, and quickly started begging for mercy.

"Taoist Friend Zhou, spare my life! I realize my mistake and am willing to offer all my wealth as compensation. Please show mercy and forgive me this once!"

However, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhou Jiarui had yet to respond, the Fire Divine Jackal had already had its fill of fun and was annoyed by his incessant noise.

It opened its mouth and spat out a crimson fireball, which landed in front of him and exploded with a thunderous boom.

The blast inflicted severe injuries and sent him flying backwards.

Without giving him a chance to react, a wolf's paw wreathed in flames slammed down on his head, smashing his skull into pieces like a burst watermelon!